Welcome to my little corner of the internet!!

I'll talk your cyber head off, and then we can have a nice long chat about the dying art of egg painting! :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Video Coming Soon!!

Hey there Life Charmers!

How is everyone?

Well I wanted to let you guys know why I wasn't posting very much. I have been working a lot, but I've been coming up with ideas for videos to post. I would like to put a couple videos up introducing myself and talking about various topics.

I know there aren't very many of you, but if there are any topics you would like for me to discuss, please let me know. I know you don't know much about me, but I'm well-versed in the supernatural and "new age" styled topics. :D

On another note, I wanted to talk about another topic today.

There is something that has been going on in my life for a few years. Things are difficult and times are hard. I have not been able to see my mother in over a year. This is due to someone making an irrational and exaggerated decision and banning me from the facility she is housed in. Now, about six months ago I inquired about changing the ban. I was polite and respectful and didn't say a cross word. That did not work. So, here I am, six months later, approaching the second Christmas without seeing my mother. Needless to say, I am not a happy camper. So, I wanted to talk about how there is a time to be nice, and then there comes a time to stand up and raise hell if you have to. This is one of those times for me.

Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself and demand change. This world is yours as much as it is anyone else's. Demand your space and stand up for your rights. If you don't, no one will.

Lots of love to you guys!

Monday, December 10, 2012

My Chakradance Experience!

Hello there Life Charmers!!

How is everyone? Oh come on, I know a few of you want to at least say hello! No? Not even 1? Well, no one gets a cookie! :P

Sorry, I was having a moment. ha

Okay, so day before yesterday, Saturday, I received my Chakradance order. I wasn't able to use it until yesterday (Domingo--That's right b*t(hes, I'm bilingual! haha), and let me say O.M.G! Haha. It was a very interesting and powerful experience.

Now, I'm not one to say that. Like, if something is cool, its cool. But, this was amazing.

First off, let me tell you a little about Chakradancing. Above, I gave a link to the site, but just a quick summary, its about dancing into your chakras and releasing and channeling the energy through dance. There is no right or wrong way to do it. And, to be honest, when you first start dancing, you're gonna feel like an idiot. Like, an actual idiot. (Idiot: A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers.) You'll understand once I explain.

To Chakradance, you cut off all the lights in the room you are dancing in, and you light a single candle and turn on the disc. You close your eyes and just let go. You allow your body to start dancing however feels right. You kinda just dance like a looney toon. LOL But, dear lord, it works! You get a work out, and you actually get into it and before you know it, you're doing the things you're supposed to without having to be told.

At the beginning of each track, they talk and set up a visual scenario, and tell you which chakra you're focusing on, and then a few seconds go by (during which you are dancing) and they tell you a little bit about how to dance (with your legs, your hips, etc.) And, by the fourth track, my body was already reacting the way it was supposed to without them saying so. I started dancing with my hands and arms primarily, and a few seconds later they say "You're dancing with your arms and hands." and I'm like, yes, yes I am! haha

Once I got to the throat chakra, I was really friggin into it. haha (and drenched in sweat! haha WHAT a workout!!) And there's a moment when they say to listen to your own voice, so I did, and it was amazing! I actually heard the voice of my soul! It was beautiful! And, of course, I wanted to hear it again, and so I told myself to listen to myself. Well, I did, and I didn't have the experience I expected. ha I heard my own frequency. And dear jeebus!! I am frickin high-pitched! haha It hurt, I was so loud!

When I finished, I could feel my energy running through my seven chakras and out through my feet and crown. I've never felt that before. It was amazing. :D

Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience!

Have a fabulous week!

Lots of love and light!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Rant for the Week!

Hey there Life Charmers!

How are you today?

I am terrific, but I wanted to rant about a few things. :)

The major thing I want to rant about is the stupidity of religious people who have these idiotic opinions about gay people.
I mean seriously. This thought was brought about by the pastor in North Carolina, Pastor Worley, who said in one of his sermons that gay people should be fenced in and left to die. >>>>>Here<<<<< is a link to the article that I read about it. LOVE her, btw.
So, as she said, instead of getting mad or shocked about this, I literally fell out laughing after reading this. Like, seriously? This is why Christians get such a bad rep. Well, one of the reasons. But, seriously, why would any sane Christian allow this man to represent them? WHY? Maybe they just weren't aware how stupid he is. Maybe they were... Who knows? Anyway...
So, in addition to this, there was a picture of a woman who said that she believed what the pastor said, and that the gays should be isolated and "prevent them from reproducing"................................Really?

I think I'll cut that off right there. Anyone who thinks that two men or two women can reproduce does not deserve the thought I would waste explaining what is wrong with that statement.


I also wanna do a little rant about finals. This week is the week of my semester finals at my college. And I am not sure how I will survive through the end of them. Seriously. Do you know how much studying I am going to have to do for these things? Of course you don't, you're not in my classes. XD But, its a lot!!! lol I have Spanish 2, Ethics, Western Civilization 2, and American Literature 2. Am. Lit 2 doesn't bother me. If I weren't a psychology major, I would be an English major. I love English. lol BUT, Spanish is a different story. I can understand the structure of the sentences. I can understand the grammar. But, for some reason, I CANNOT LEARN THE WORDS!!! Like, seriously, I know tener. That's about it. lol It is awful. :( It makes me sad. So, I'm going to continue with my rant! :D
Like, why do we have to have finals? Don't answer that, I'm not stupid, I know why we have to have finals, I was just being a child for a moment. Its over now. Thank you. :)

OH! That reminds me about the >>>>>Daughter Responds Video<<<<< that I watched the other day. Now, I want to first off say that this video is not of the real daughter. This is some girl pretending to be the daughter of >>>>>The Father Who Shot His Daughter's Laptop<<<<< and its ridiculous. Like, when I watched the girl's response, I was like, ya know, if this is true, she's a little bit dramatic, but I think she has a right to do this. BUT, almost all the way through the video, she gets stupid. The whole crap about parents being jealous because they can't do what kids can do. That's ridiculous. And the crap she said was really stupid. Then I watched the dad's video and wanted to say bravo! I mean, yes, redneck parenting, but still! Good redneck parenting. Shooting the laptop is a little over-dramatic, but still. This girl was being a spoiled little brat (which I think is the parent's fault because they didn't raise her to appreciate what she has, but still) and he set her straight. The thing is that he is PISSED.. You can really tell when he starts stuttering (obviously a problem he had corrected, but when in high-stress situations, the stuttering comes back). But, yeah, go dad! ha (And I think he's kinda cute for an old redneck. tehe. :))

That brings me to another rant topic. Children: WTF is going through your minds?! Who the heck do you think you are?! Seriously, regardless of the parent, you are here because of them. They raise you, they provide shelter for you, they feed you, they cloth you, they take care of you. When you were a baby, they cleaned up your shit and didn't throw you down a set of stairs when you peed in their faces! (Attempted joke, do NOT go throwing babies down stairs!) But, seriously. Do you know how frickin lucky you are?! There are homeless people all over the world, and you have an Iphone (which I don't even have because I couldn't afford it), you don't have to pay bills, you have computers, most of you have freakin cars that your parents bought you, and you aren't missing anything that you need. You don't go without food or water. You have plenty of time to sleep and get your rest. You can do whatever you want (within reason). STOP BEING LITTLE BRATS!!! And to all the girls posting pictures of themselves half-naked allover the internet: Honey, get some self-respect. If that attracts him, he's not worth keeping. *sigh* I'm going to stop now before I actually get angry.

Okay I have plenty more to rant about, but I'll stop for now.

Thank you for dealing with my ranting! I love you guys! (all 7 of you!)

Love and light!