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Monday, December 10, 2012

My Chakradance Experience!

Hello there Life Charmers!!

How is everyone? Oh come on, I know a few of you want to at least say hello! No? Not even 1? Well, no one gets a cookie! :P

Sorry, I was having a moment. ha

Okay, so day before yesterday, Saturday, I received my Chakradance order. I wasn't able to use it until yesterday (Domingo--That's right b*t(hes, I'm bilingual! haha), and let me say O.M.G! Haha. It was a very interesting and powerful experience.

Now, I'm not one to say that. Like, if something is cool, its cool. But, this was amazing.

First off, let me tell you a little about Chakradancing. Above, I gave a link to the site, but just a quick summary, its about dancing into your chakras and releasing and channeling the energy through dance. There is no right or wrong way to do it. And, to be honest, when you first start dancing, you're gonna feel like an idiot. Like, an actual idiot. (Idiot: A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers.) You'll understand once I explain.

To Chakradance, you cut off all the lights in the room you are dancing in, and you light a single candle and turn on the disc. You close your eyes and just let go. You allow your body to start dancing however feels right. You kinda just dance like a looney toon. LOL But, dear lord, it works! You get a work out, and you actually get into it and before you know it, you're doing the things you're supposed to without having to be told.

At the beginning of each track, they talk and set up a visual scenario, and tell you which chakra you're focusing on, and then a few seconds go by (during which you are dancing) and they tell you a little bit about how to dance (with your legs, your hips, etc.) And, by the fourth track, my body was already reacting the way it was supposed to without them saying so. I started dancing with my hands and arms primarily, and a few seconds later they say "You're dancing with your arms and hands." and I'm like, yes, yes I am! haha

Once I got to the throat chakra, I was really friggin into it. haha (and drenched in sweat! haha WHAT a workout!!) And there's a moment when they say to listen to your own voice, so I did, and it was amazing! I actually heard the voice of my soul! It was beautiful! And, of course, I wanted to hear it again, and so I told myself to listen to myself. Well, I did, and I didn't have the experience I expected. ha I heard my own frequency. And dear jeebus!! I am frickin high-pitched! haha It hurt, I was so loud!

When I finished, I could feel my energy running through my seven chakras and out through my feet and crown. I've never felt that before. It was amazing. :D

Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience!

Have a fabulous week!

Lots of love and light!

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