Welcome to my little corner of the internet!!

I'll talk your cyber head off, and then we can have a nice long chat about the dying art of egg painting! :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Happy Halloween Charming Lifers!!!!!

I'm posting some pics from my halloween! :D

First of all, don't pay attention to the bathroom. lol I can only take pictures in the bathroom at work, so that's what ya get. ha Sorry. :D

Okay, so this one was at walmart. I was walking to get nail polish remover and there was this AWFUL smell and I had just texted my friend Nichole that it smelled like someone had straight up sh*t in walmart....then I come upon this.... And she was cleaning up something brown....so i had to take a picture and send it to Nichole.
 This is one of my friends and coworkers!! :D
 This was the pumpkin we did. With the dragon sitting on the hotel...
 The fire....
 More fire...
 My Halloween outfit! :D I was a punk rocker!!
 I look very stoned here.... lol Don't ask why, I just do.
 My LOVELY coworker Angela! Such a sweetheart!
 Me tryin to look cute...in the bathroom at work....didn't pull it off. ha
 Last attempt at cuteness. lol
And these are my pictures!!! YAY!!! Another post is on its way soon!

Happy Trick or Treating Charming Lifers!!!

Lots of love and light!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Surprise Readings

Hello again, Charming Lifers!

How is everyone?

Okay, sorry, I had a moment. :D

So, I wanted to talk today/tonight about surprise readings. You know, the ones when you're going about your day and someone says "Hey, read me!"--whether you want to or not.
This evening, I had to do a surprise reading. I didn't mind, as it was for someone I like a great deal, and she was nice about it. I felt that she wasn't trying to push anything off on me, I had just piqued her curiosity and she couldn't contain herself anymore. And, when we're friends, that's fine. I'll see what I can get.
HOWEVER, if I don't know you, and you get all skeptical and are like "Read me," I don't like that. I don't like that for many reasons, but mainly because I don't play "Test the Psychic." That's a stupid game and I want it to burn. Burn, I say, BURN!!!!!!
....Okay, I'm better. :)

So, I wanted to talk about why I don't like surprise readings. Its not just because I don't like playing "Test the Psychic," there are actual good reasons why I don't like them. Five, actually. And they go as follows:
1) Accuracy
2) Pressure
3) Secrets
4) Energy
5) Commitment

1) Accuracy
In a Surprise Reading, the reader doesn't have a lot of time to prepare. If I agree to read someone out of the blue, I haven't meditated, I haven't gone into a higher state of awareness, I haven't done anything but make the conscious decision to read. Now, that is enough to tune into information, but it leaves all of my filters on, and does not allow me to receive psychic information in an objective and open manner. Its like trying to see something ten feet away, when its covered in dirt, and there is a thick layer of fog between you and the object, and trying to accurately describe the object. There isn't going to be a lot of luck. Sure, you may be able to see the general outline of it, and maybe even see the color of the object, but you won't be able to accurately see it as you would if it was clean and the environment were clear of fog. (bare with me on the analogy, I'm tired. ha) That's what its like when trying to read without proper grounding and preparation. You can get a few good points, but mostly its like you can't make out what you're getting.

2) Pressure
A surprise reading is bad enough, but it causes a lot more pressure than a usual reading. There are so many things that could go wrong with it, but as if that isn't enough, you have the pressure to "prove" yourself as a reader and a psychic. So you're more likely than ever to give bad information because you feel pressured to be right.

3) Secrets
This comes up sometimes when the reading is actually very good, but the readee didn't expect it to be. This gets to be a problem, ironically, because they don't actually want anyone knowing things about them. The most skeptical people sometimes have dark secrets that they think are well-hidden. Well, the deepest secrets are usually the first to show up in a reading. And these people get defensive and say that the things being received are completely wrong, or worse, they claim that the psychic is receiving the information by some dark force (satan is the common choice). Sometimes people just say the reading was wrong, which is bad enough. But, if they are in public or if they feel you are judging them, they'll get defensive and that's where the insults come in. Its a messy business sometimes.

4) Energy
This is a common issue no matter how planned the reading is. A lot of times, readers don't watch their boundaries and they begin to run the readee's energy. This results in many bad ways, including but not limited to: tiredness, irritability, sudden depressing feelings, mood swings, etc. When you're focusing on the abrupt reading, its easy to forget to check in with your grounding chord and seperation object to make sure you're doing the reading in a healthy way.

5) Commitment
This is the issue I experienced earlier. This is an issue that is sort of the combination of other issues (energy, pressure and accuracy). This occurs when you feel that you have a commitment to the reading. This could be just because you try to make sure to always do your best, or you still have the readee's energy in your own, and you continue to feel responsible for the reading, or you feel the pressure to be right, so you want to continue the reading to make sure  you've covered all your bases, or you just may not feel like you got much right and want to do better. Its so important to set boundaries (one of which is that the reading is OVER when its over) because you could exhaust yourself by continuing the readings you do. Especially Surprise Readings.

Sooooo, I think I covered all the points. :D I did, unfortunately, give in and do an additional reading for my friend for about twenty minutes afterwards because I did not like where I left the information. But, as always, that was my choice, so I was not wrong for it. And if you decide to do the same with every Surprise Reading you're faced with, feel free! Just make sure you're doing it because you want to and not because the other person is rude about it.

Also, always keep in mind that you do not have to do every reading you are asked to do. You are the reader, and YOU are in charge.

Lots of love and light!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Being an Empath.

Good morning/evening/afternoon Charming Lifers!

How are you today? Today, for the first time on my blog, I will be talking about a psychically oriented topic. Empathy. I'm a member of a few social websites, and I frequently see people saying that they are an empath. FREQUENTLY. Like, everyone and they're cousin is an empath. And this bothers me, because it simply is not true.

Now, I'm not saying that these people are not empathic. Quite the contrary. We are ALL empathic. We are human beings. We vibrate at a similar frequency. We experience the same emotions and understand the same feelings. We are psychically open beings that receive and interpret the energy around us. Of course we're going to experience and be aware of the emotions of others. And, yes, we will, at times, be psychic sponges. And it will cause many of us to fall into depression, or spend our lives taking responsibility for the feelings, emotions, and actions of others. However, this does not mean that we are empaths. It means that we are human.

There is a lot of blurred meaning behind being an empath. Just experiencing empathic abilities does not make you an empath. Just like experiencing psychic abilities makes you a psychic. We all have the potential to be anything we desire, and by giving ourselves these labels, we very well may achieve these desires. However, being an empath means more than just being empathic. It means having the desire to help others--the desire to assist others in controlling and dealing with their problems and emotions.

Empaths are gifted in these abilities, as well as helping others cope with their emotions. They can feel others' emotions so that they are fully able to understand what the person is going through. The biggest struggle for empaths is discerning their own emotions from those around them. Well, in the beginning. An experienced empath is aware of their own energy and can tell when an emotion is not their own.

Empaths are an open channel for emotion. They are able to experience the emotions of any other person and/or being. But, something that most people aren't aware of is the fact that empaths can also exude emotional energy and direct it. Also, they can shield themselves. We are always in control over ourselves. We are in command of the energy we choose to receive.

For all of you empaths out there, realize this, and take control of your emotions! You are a powerful being, full of wonder! You are extraordinary! Do not allow yourself to become the "sponge" or "garbage pan" for the emotions of others. Use your abilities, do not allow them to use you! (If you would like any help, please feel free to email me! :D Click on my profile and just shoot me an email! )

Anyway, okay, now that I've ranted and given guidance (how's that for a two-sided coin?), I will leave you with this last thought: Whose emotions are YOU funnelling today?

Lots of love!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Marriage: Are You Ready?

Goodmorning World! Well, those of you who have been kind enough to grace my blog with your presence! Have a cookie!
No, seriously, go get a cookie!
You know you want one!

Okay, so today I have a topic that is rather close to my heart at the moment: Marriage.

Last night, I received a call from my younger brother. He is nineteen years old, married, and has a kid. His 18 year old wife has decided that she doesn't want to be with him anymore. Now, this was not a shock to me, because from the beginning I had a feeling that she wouldn't be much more than a blip on the screen. But, then she got pregnant, and I let my hopes cloud my judgment. And, of course, she decided that she was not ready to settle down. Now, of course, this crushed my brother. Like, as far as the relationship, he could care less, because he's begun to see that it wouldn't work out. But, his son is his focus. The six month old baby boy that is going to suffer because his parents made adult decisions as children. And this is what bothers me most.

Now, I'm not one to preach about not having premarital sex, I started having sex at sixteen, but there is a very big difference. I can't get pregnant. No matter how much premarital sex I have, I won't get pregnant. Now, I can get STD's, but that's why I'm careful, and why there is always protection. But, as a straight couple, you have to THINK before you have sex. Even with a condom, there's no guarantee. And I probably shouldn't have started having sex at sixteen, but ya know what, it happened and there's no taking it back.
Anyway, I just think that marriage is something that you should go into with MUCH consideration, and with complete weighing of the consequences. And, like Wanda Sykes says, "marriage should be like the mafia. Once you're in, you're in!" lol As she said, the murder rate would go up, but hey, whatevs. haha
Anyway, my point is that marriage is a major decision. You marry the person that you will want to be with for the rest of your life. Get to know them first! Don't get married after being together for two months or three months or even a year. Spend actual time together, live together first if you'd like. Just make sure that you actually want to spend the rest of your life with this person. Make sure that you actually know this person and really want to be with them. Marriage isn't just another relationship, people! Its a sacred commitment. Whether you're gay, straight, bi, alien, or glittering fairy princess, you have to enter a marriage as an adult. Otherwise you're just wasting your time and the time of the other person. And please, PLEASE, do not have a baby with someone you don't even know. Let's have some class, people. Seriously, I could---Nevermind, I'll make another post about sex later.
Marriage can be a beautiful thing. It is meant to be a partnership with your best friend and lover. It brings two people closer than they could ever imagine being. It is a wonderful and beautiful union that we have learned to disgrace because "everybody's doing it" and its ridiculous.
I don't care how long I have to wait, when I finally decide to get married, I want to spend my life with that person. And it won't always be rainbows and sunshine. (well, we're gay so maybe it will always be rainbows. lol) But, we'll work at it and we'll have a wonderful life together. That is what marriage is about. Its not about the dress or the ring or the honeymoon. Its about two people who love each other so much that they decide to commit themselves to one another for the rest of their lives. Its amazing, its beautiful, and its a serious friggin decision!
Okay, I'll shut up now!

Lots of love!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Relationships and Breakups

Hello all!

Sooo, for my first real blog topic, I wanted to talk about something that has been on my mind for a while now. Relationships. And, an even better side to that: breakups.

So, there are SO many people today who think that they have to be in a relationship to be happy. Annnnnd, I kinda want to slap those people in the face with a stinky fish. I'm sorry, too harsh? Okay, a regular smelling fish.
But seriously, I have a major problem with this. Now, I know this sounds SO cliché, but you won't find anyone who can fill that void you feel. This is because you are the only person who can fill it. You know why pretty and happy people have such great relationships? Because they are happy with themselves! If you can function on your own without getting all depressed, and just be happy with your own company, then guess what? Someone will want you! They'll want you because they see that you don't need them, so they'll want to be with you. Now, I know, it takes a second for that to make sense, but honestly, think about it. Take guys for example. They want an independent woman, right? They want someone who can pay her own bills and isn't concerned with him. Want a guy to like you? Act like you don't like him. Now, I know this isn't always the case. There are a lot of guys that want you to want them and to need them, but that's because they feel like they aren't good enough, and they need someone else to make them feel like they are worth something because if someone else needs them then obviously they have something to offer. (try saying that ten times fast. You lose your breath. I know. I tried. lol) But seriously, a healthy individual who is happy with theirself picks a partner based on whether or not they believe that partner can appreciate them as they feel they deserve to be appreciated. So, if you have a low self esteem, then anyone can fill that void. (again, I know. I tried.) But, if you respect yourself and your opinions and your thoughts and you feel that you are an amazing person, then you will only settle for someone who feels that way about you, as well. Granted, there are circumstances where they feel that way about you and, whoops! turns out they're a little crazy. (overly attached girlfriend types) But usually you'll attract people who genuinely appreciate you. I was talking to my roommate the other day (she and her boyfriend are my roommates) and she said something that really made me respect her. She said "I know he could have other girls if he wanted them, and he knows he could. He knows he's attractive, and he's not with me because I'm the only one who will be with him." See, I've been in relationships where I was there just because I was the only one who would be with them. And it was awful. There are reasons why you shouldn't do things like that. I mean, if you genuinely like the person and want to be with them, then have at it. But, generally, you should never do something like that because it isn't your place nor your responsibility to love this person just so that they will be loved. And I know that's harsh and kinda mean, but seriously. There is someone for everyone. They may not be able to find that person when they want them, but eventually they will find them. And if they don't, that's because they aren't meant to. They may have to learn a lesson about being alone, or being able to be alone and be happy. This lifetime may be the lifetime that they have to be alone, and by being with them just so that they aren't alone, you are hindering their personal growth.

Now, when you're in a relationship, there are a few things that I think everyone should have as a standard. First and foremost, does this person actually want to be with you. Are they just with you to be with you, or so that they aren't alone? Seriously, think about it. Do you want someone who has you just to fill a void that you can never fill, or do you want someone who actually wants you? Call me crazy, but I want someone who actually wants to be with me for me, not just because I'm the best choice. Now, I'm far from vain, but I'm not ugly. No, I'll never win any contests for most attractive, but I have a pleasant face, a slim body, and a nice ass. haha But, I feel that I deserve someone who finds me incredibly attractive. And attractive is different from sexy or cute. Attractive is beautiful, attractive is wanting to be in their presence because you just like their personality. Attractive is being nice and cute and funny. I would rather be attractive than sexy any day. Well, I take that back. I'd rather be attractive than hot anyday. Sexy, to me, is similar to attractive, only in an adult fashion. haha Anyway!!! Next! You should be with someone who appreciates you and respects you. Why would you be with someone who puts you down, doesn't notice the awesomeness that is you, and who disrespects you and your feelings? And if you know you love this person, but they don't do these things, talk to them. Make your feelings known. Don't be a baby about it, but approach them in a mature fashion and be like, "Look, these things are bothering me. I would appreciate it if you pay more attention when you say _____, etc." And if they don't change or respect you enough to acknowledge your feelings, kick his/her sorry ass to the curb!! And, I think one of the most important things: Don't force someone to be with you! If they don't want to be with you, don't make them! There is a reason for everything, and you just may find out that they aren't at all what you want. You think you know them, you think you love them, then you finally get them and you're like OMG, they changed! They didn't change, you just finally got to see them! Also, if you force someone to be with you, then there they are in a relationship they don't even want. They will either hurt you, cheat on you, mistreat you, or just be generally unhappy. Now, for all of you Overly Attached Girlfriend Types (henceforth known as OAGT's), there is someone out there who deserves all of the love you can give them. Don't waste it on someone who won't appreciate it.

As for breakups. Have fun! Like, seriously, have a blast. You wanna cry, go ahead. You wanna post millions of songs about how shitty the person is or how they made you feel, feel free! You feel the way you do for a reason, so express those feelings so that you can get them out of your system and move on with your life. And then, move on. Really, the relationship is over. MOVE THE F*(K ON! I just broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years. We had a long and, frankly, not that good of a relationship. There were hard times, and then there were f*(king crazy times. And every now and then we'd have this little sparkle, but by the end of the day it was ruined and we were back to one of us (usually me) being all broken hearted. My new favorite phrase has become "onto the next one." And the next person doesn't have to be another person. It can be you. It can be you flaunting your stuff or feeling attractive or surrounding yourself with friends who appreciate you. It can be hanging out with that best friend who is always there for you and always knows just what to say. Or, have a rebound relationship. Or even better, have rebound sex! (Teenagers, keep it in your pants! Don't listen to that part of the advice about sex, be celebite! lol I don't even know how to spell that word.) Do whatever it is that you need to do, but move on. If they don't want to be with you, don't waste your time trying to force them. You deserve better than that. You deserve someone who will appreciate you. You deserve someone who acknowledges what a beautiful being you are, and who will always want you.

Now, I want to clarify and say that I'm not judging anyone who fits any of the descriptions I have mentioned. I don't blame you, hell, I've been you. But I do want to say that you deserve better. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to have a fulfilling relationship, not a hole-filling relationship.

I hope everyone is having a fantastic week!

Lots of love and light!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Introductions Are in Order...

Well Hello World! (or those of you who have stumbled upon my blog by accident!)

Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I hope you like it here! We have cookies! Well, not really, but if you go make cookies, then bring them back, we'll have cookies! Just remember, sharing is caring!

About Me!
I don't even know where to begin talking about myself. I'm not too incredibly interesting... I guess I'll start with my name. My name is Davy Coker. But, you can just call me Davy. I'm twenty years old, until May of next year. I am a full time college student and a full time night auditor at Holiday Inn. :) I am also a clairvoyant and I offer insight to others in areas of their lives that they are unsure of. And, of course, I give myself insight because lord knows I have no idea what's going on with my life half the time! So, basically, I never sleep! I'm a vampire, hear me sparkle! Wait...

Oh, and I'm gay! You'll see blog posts mentioning things about that frequently, so yeah, brace yourself for the cliché and the stereotypical!

About zeh Blogs!
So, you're probably wondering what will be going on in my blogs. Well, if you've made it this far I'm assuming that you've discovered that I'm only a little off my rocker, so there will, of course, be no set topic that all of my blogs will be confined to. Basically, I'll just talk about whatever rock is in my shoe at the moment, or I'll be happy to take requests. Not that I expect them, but, hey, ya gotta be positive! :D

You may get a vid-blog once in a while, but I'm not sure yet. I'll post pictures from time to time, some of them of me, most of them just crap I find funny. :))

I'll talk about class and what goes on in school and the happenings of my super-awesome college life. (just so you know, my life is majorly boring in the party department, so don't expect drunk pictures of me! Well, don't expect them often. lol) Also I'll make lots of posts about psychic things and sometimes Wicca and stuff like that, so if you have a mind as closed as the books in the back of the library, please kindly direct yourself away from this blog. :) Thank you!

Other Random Awesomeness!
As I mentioned before, I'm clairvoyant. I moderate the social site and twitter of Debra Katz, an international author and clairvoyant. If you would like to learn more about Debra, please feel free to browse her site! I'm on there too! *shoves your mouse to link*
Debra Katz
And if you were interested in reading the many blogs I've posted on her social site, here's the link to Seventhsight!

If you have any questions that you would like to ask but don't want to be public, you can email me here @Davy, or follow me on twitter at @Psychic2lyf (but I'm not very active on there. lol), or find me on Facebook. :D

Also, here is a fair warning, I am not afraid of using fowl language. I will not do it unreasonably, but this is my blog and I do reserve the right to toss around the F bomb like a hot potato. If that offends you, my apologies, again, please direct yourself away from this blog. Thank you.

Well peepz, that's it for now! I hope you've enjoyed my little intro! Lots of love to you, and I look forward to long conversations with myself! haha :D

Lots of love and light!