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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Surprise Readings

Hello again, Charming Lifers!

How is everyone?

Okay, sorry, I had a moment. :D

So, I wanted to talk today/tonight about surprise readings. You know, the ones when you're going about your day and someone says "Hey, read me!"--whether you want to or not.
This evening, I had to do a surprise reading. I didn't mind, as it was for someone I like a great deal, and she was nice about it. I felt that she wasn't trying to push anything off on me, I had just piqued her curiosity and she couldn't contain herself anymore. And, when we're friends, that's fine. I'll see what I can get.
HOWEVER, if I don't know you, and you get all skeptical and are like "Read me," I don't like that. I don't like that for many reasons, but mainly because I don't play "Test the Psychic." That's a stupid game and I want it to burn. Burn, I say, BURN!!!!!!
....Okay, I'm better. :)

So, I wanted to talk about why I don't like surprise readings. Its not just because I don't like playing "Test the Psychic," there are actual good reasons why I don't like them. Five, actually. And they go as follows:
1) Accuracy
2) Pressure
3) Secrets
4) Energy
5) Commitment

1) Accuracy
In a Surprise Reading, the reader doesn't have a lot of time to prepare. If I agree to read someone out of the blue, I haven't meditated, I haven't gone into a higher state of awareness, I haven't done anything but make the conscious decision to read. Now, that is enough to tune into information, but it leaves all of my filters on, and does not allow me to receive psychic information in an objective and open manner. Its like trying to see something ten feet away, when its covered in dirt, and there is a thick layer of fog between you and the object, and trying to accurately describe the object. There isn't going to be a lot of luck. Sure, you may be able to see the general outline of it, and maybe even see the color of the object, but you won't be able to accurately see it as you would if it was clean and the environment were clear of fog. (bare with me on the analogy, I'm tired. ha) That's what its like when trying to read without proper grounding and preparation. You can get a few good points, but mostly its like you can't make out what you're getting.

2) Pressure
A surprise reading is bad enough, but it causes a lot more pressure than a usual reading. There are so many things that could go wrong with it, but as if that isn't enough, you have the pressure to "prove" yourself as a reader and a psychic. So you're more likely than ever to give bad information because you feel pressured to be right.

3) Secrets
This comes up sometimes when the reading is actually very good, but the readee didn't expect it to be. This gets to be a problem, ironically, because they don't actually want anyone knowing things about them. The most skeptical people sometimes have dark secrets that they think are well-hidden. Well, the deepest secrets are usually the first to show up in a reading. And these people get defensive and say that the things being received are completely wrong, or worse, they claim that the psychic is receiving the information by some dark force (satan is the common choice). Sometimes people just say the reading was wrong, which is bad enough. But, if they are in public or if they feel you are judging them, they'll get defensive and that's where the insults come in. Its a messy business sometimes.

4) Energy
This is a common issue no matter how planned the reading is. A lot of times, readers don't watch their boundaries and they begin to run the readee's energy. This results in many bad ways, including but not limited to: tiredness, irritability, sudden depressing feelings, mood swings, etc. When you're focusing on the abrupt reading, its easy to forget to check in with your grounding chord and seperation object to make sure you're doing the reading in a healthy way.

5) Commitment
This is the issue I experienced earlier. This is an issue that is sort of the combination of other issues (energy, pressure and accuracy). This occurs when you feel that you have a commitment to the reading. This could be just because you try to make sure to always do your best, or you still have the readee's energy in your own, and you continue to feel responsible for the reading, or you feel the pressure to be right, so you want to continue the reading to make sure  you've covered all your bases, or you just may not feel like you got much right and want to do better. Its so important to set boundaries (one of which is that the reading is OVER when its over) because you could exhaust yourself by continuing the readings you do. Especially Surprise Readings.

Sooooo, I think I covered all the points. :D I did, unfortunately, give in and do an additional reading for my friend for about twenty minutes afterwards because I did not like where I left the information. But, as always, that was my choice, so I was not wrong for it. And if you decide to do the same with every Surprise Reading you're faced with, feel free! Just make sure you're doing it because you want to and not because the other person is rude about it.

Also, always keep in mind that you do not have to do every reading you are asked to do. You are the reader, and YOU are in charge.

Lots of love and light!

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