Welcome to my little corner of the internet!!

I'll talk your cyber head off, and then we can have a nice long chat about the dying art of egg painting! :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Introductions Are in Order...

Well Hello World! (or those of you who have stumbled upon my blog by accident!)

Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I hope you like it here! We have cookies! Well, not really, but if you go make cookies, then bring them back, we'll have cookies! Just remember, sharing is caring!

About Me!
I don't even know where to begin talking about myself. I'm not too incredibly interesting... I guess I'll start with my name. My name is Davy Coker. But, you can just call me Davy. I'm twenty years old, until May of next year. I am a full time college student and a full time night auditor at Holiday Inn. :) I am also a clairvoyant and I offer insight to others in areas of their lives that they are unsure of. And, of course, I give myself insight because lord knows I have no idea what's going on with my life half the time! So, basically, I never sleep! I'm a vampire, hear me sparkle! Wait...

Oh, and I'm gay! You'll see blog posts mentioning things about that frequently, so yeah, brace yourself for the cliché and the stereotypical!

About zeh Blogs!
So, you're probably wondering what will be going on in my blogs. Well, if you've made it this far I'm assuming that you've discovered that I'm only a little off my rocker, so there will, of course, be no set topic that all of my blogs will be confined to. Basically, I'll just talk about whatever rock is in my shoe at the moment, or I'll be happy to take requests. Not that I expect them, but, hey, ya gotta be positive! :D

You may get a vid-blog once in a while, but I'm not sure yet. I'll post pictures from time to time, some of them of me, most of them just crap I find funny. :))

I'll talk about class and what goes on in school and the happenings of my super-awesome college life. (just so you know, my life is majorly boring in the party department, so don't expect drunk pictures of me! Well, don't expect them often. lol) Also I'll make lots of posts about psychic things and sometimes Wicca and stuff like that, so if you have a mind as closed as the books in the back of the library, please kindly direct yourself away from this blog. :) Thank you!

Other Random Awesomeness!
As I mentioned before, I'm clairvoyant. I moderate the social site and twitter of Debra Katz, an international author and clairvoyant. If you would like to learn more about Debra, please feel free to browse her site! I'm on there too! *shoves your mouse to link*
Debra Katz
And if you were interested in reading the many blogs I've posted on her social site, here's the link to Seventhsight!

If you have any questions that you would like to ask but don't want to be public, you can email me here @Davy, or follow me on twitter at @Psychic2lyf (but I'm not very active on there. lol), or find me on Facebook. :D

Also, here is a fair warning, I am not afraid of using fowl language. I will not do it unreasonably, but this is my blog and I do reserve the right to toss around the F bomb like a hot potato. If that offends you, my apologies, again, please direct yourself away from this blog. Thank you.

Well peepz, that's it for now! I hope you've enjoyed my little intro! Lots of love to you, and I look forward to long conversations with myself! haha :D

Lots of love and light!

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