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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Being an Empath.

Good morning/evening/afternoon Charming Lifers!

How are you today? Today, for the first time on my blog, I will be talking about a psychically oriented topic. Empathy. I'm a member of a few social websites, and I frequently see people saying that they are an empath. FREQUENTLY. Like, everyone and they're cousin is an empath. And this bothers me, because it simply is not true.

Now, I'm not saying that these people are not empathic. Quite the contrary. We are ALL empathic. We are human beings. We vibrate at a similar frequency. We experience the same emotions and understand the same feelings. We are psychically open beings that receive and interpret the energy around us. Of course we're going to experience and be aware of the emotions of others. And, yes, we will, at times, be psychic sponges. And it will cause many of us to fall into depression, or spend our lives taking responsibility for the feelings, emotions, and actions of others. However, this does not mean that we are empaths. It means that we are human.

There is a lot of blurred meaning behind being an empath. Just experiencing empathic abilities does not make you an empath. Just like experiencing psychic abilities makes you a psychic. We all have the potential to be anything we desire, and by giving ourselves these labels, we very well may achieve these desires. However, being an empath means more than just being empathic. It means having the desire to help others--the desire to assist others in controlling and dealing with their problems and emotions.

Empaths are gifted in these abilities, as well as helping others cope with their emotions. They can feel others' emotions so that they are fully able to understand what the person is going through. The biggest struggle for empaths is discerning their own emotions from those around them. Well, in the beginning. An experienced empath is aware of their own energy and can tell when an emotion is not their own.

Empaths are an open channel for emotion. They are able to experience the emotions of any other person and/or being. But, something that most people aren't aware of is the fact that empaths can also exude emotional energy and direct it. Also, they can shield themselves. We are always in control over ourselves. We are in command of the energy we choose to receive.

For all of you empaths out there, realize this, and take control of your emotions! You are a powerful being, full of wonder! You are extraordinary! Do not allow yourself to become the "sponge" or "garbage pan" for the emotions of others. Use your abilities, do not allow them to use you! (If you would like any help, please feel free to email me! :D Click on my profile and just shoot me an email! )

Anyway, okay, now that I've ranted and given guidance (how's that for a two-sided coin?), I will leave you with this last thought: Whose emotions are YOU funnelling today?

Lots of love!

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