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Monday, October 22, 2012

Marriage: Are You Ready?

Goodmorning World! Well, those of you who have been kind enough to grace my blog with your presence! Have a cookie!
No, seriously, go get a cookie!
You know you want one!

Okay, so today I have a topic that is rather close to my heart at the moment: Marriage.

Last night, I received a call from my younger brother. He is nineteen years old, married, and has a kid. His 18 year old wife has decided that she doesn't want to be with him anymore. Now, this was not a shock to me, because from the beginning I had a feeling that she wouldn't be much more than a blip on the screen. But, then she got pregnant, and I let my hopes cloud my judgment. And, of course, she decided that she was not ready to settle down. Now, of course, this crushed my brother. Like, as far as the relationship, he could care less, because he's begun to see that it wouldn't work out. But, his son is his focus. The six month old baby boy that is going to suffer because his parents made adult decisions as children. And this is what bothers me most.

Now, I'm not one to preach about not having premarital sex, I started having sex at sixteen, but there is a very big difference. I can't get pregnant. No matter how much premarital sex I have, I won't get pregnant. Now, I can get STD's, but that's why I'm careful, and why there is always protection. But, as a straight couple, you have to THINK before you have sex. Even with a condom, there's no guarantee. And I probably shouldn't have started having sex at sixteen, but ya know what, it happened and there's no taking it back.
Anyway, I just think that marriage is something that you should go into with MUCH consideration, and with complete weighing of the consequences. And, like Wanda Sykes says, "marriage should be like the mafia. Once you're in, you're in!" lol As she said, the murder rate would go up, but hey, whatevs. haha
Anyway, my point is that marriage is a major decision. You marry the person that you will want to be with for the rest of your life. Get to know them first! Don't get married after being together for two months or three months or even a year. Spend actual time together, live together first if you'd like. Just make sure that you actually want to spend the rest of your life with this person. Make sure that you actually know this person and really want to be with them. Marriage isn't just another relationship, people! Its a sacred commitment. Whether you're gay, straight, bi, alien, or glittering fairy princess, you have to enter a marriage as an adult. Otherwise you're just wasting your time and the time of the other person. And please, PLEASE, do not have a baby with someone you don't even know. Let's have some class, people. Seriously, I could---Nevermind, I'll make another post about sex later.
Marriage can be a beautiful thing. It is meant to be a partnership with your best friend and lover. It brings two people closer than they could ever imagine being. It is a wonderful and beautiful union that we have learned to disgrace because "everybody's doing it" and its ridiculous.
I don't care how long I have to wait, when I finally decide to get married, I want to spend my life with that person. And it won't always be rainbows and sunshine. (well, we're gay so maybe it will always be rainbows. lol) But, we'll work at it and we'll have a wonderful life together. That is what marriage is about. Its not about the dress or the ring or the honeymoon. Its about two people who love each other so much that they decide to commit themselves to one another for the rest of their lives. Its amazing, its beautiful, and its a serious friggin decision!
Okay, I'll shut up now!

Lots of love!

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