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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dating! -- It's Important!

Happy Sunday Life Charmers!!

How has everyone's weekend been? Mine was over yesterday, so it was incredibly short. :/

I wanted to post today about dating. Why? Cuz that's what I've been doing of course! haha

Its been almost three months since my breakup with my four year relationship-ex. And, to be honest, I do think about him about once a day. Granted, I don't think about him in the way he'd like for me to, but I do think about him. I think about all of the things that I wish I'd done differently. I wonder, if I'd have respected myself earlier, would have still have been together for four years? I think, maybe if I'd have shoved his head up his butt he may have seen how big of an a$$hole he really was. Jk, I kid...mostly. But seriously, I'm single, yes. I sleep alone, yes. I don't have someone to say "I love you" every two seconds, no. But, I do have a world full of potential guys who may or may not turn out to be the love of my life.

And at the moment, you ask? At the moment I'm holding down a full time job, going to school full time, maintaining a 3.7 GPA, and I have the affections of many people (both romantic and non).

For example, recently I had my date with the guy that gave me roses. That was very nice and possibly will happen again. :))

And now I am talking to a sweetheart who very well may turn out to be more than just a pleasant friendship. :D

He's very kind, a sweetheart, doesn't mind me being weird, actually finds my psychic stuff interesting (which is incredibly rare in the south. ha), and is overall just a great guy. We have a lot in common, and we both value similar things, which is nice.

But, I didn't decide to make this post to brag about my sweet guy. No, I made this post to talk about the importance of dating.

Everyone wants love, but nobody wants to work for it. You won't always luck up and find your soulmate in a couple tries. Heck, you may never find your soul mate. I know, I know, that's depressing, but seriously, they may not even be on Earth this lifetime and are probably patiently waiting for you to cross over so you two can be together again.

I see people complaining all the time about how they want a good relationship, but they continue to fall for the same people because they find them "hot." Honey, grow up. First of all, half of them don't even know who they are yet, so how in the hell are their partners supposed to be suited for them? Sure, they fit now, but what about four years down the road when you realize you are a completely different person and can't stand the person you're with? What? That happens! I'm proof! haha

Anyway, but seriously, get to know yourself first. Date, have fun, go to movies and out to dinner.

IMPORTANT!!! Just because he pays for a movie ticket or a meal doesn't mean he deserves anything more than a coy smile and batted eyelashes. Come on people, have some self respect.

Sorry, little rant there.

Anywho! But seriously, dating is important. Not only do you get the experience of having fun in a healthy way, but you get to figure out what types of guys/girls you actually like, and figure out tell-tale signs that someone is NOT for you. Its a win/win!

For example, I've learned that I love a guy who can make me laugh, and I don't like guys who want to go out the whole date. If a guy would rather snuggle on a couch and watch a movie than go out to the movies, I'm good. But, if he tries sticking his hands down my pants or raping me during a commercial break, well. Not my fault if he loses an appendage. O:-)
But, I've learned how to tell if they'll do that, too, so I'm good.

Also, if a guy or girl sends you dirty text messages and dirty pics when you've only been talking for less than a week, don't think you're the only one they're doing that with, and PLEASE for God's sake, don't fall in love with them if they are sexy. Yes, they are sexy, yes, you can enjoy that sexiness, but that will go away, and then you'll be stuck with a narcissistic toad. Just saying...

Anyway, I hope you all have a fabulous week!

Lots of love and light!

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