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I'll talk your cyber head off, and then we can have a nice long chat about the dying art of egg painting! :)

Friday, November 2, 2012


Hello Charming Lifers!!!

How is everyone this day after Dia de los Muertos?
How was your Halloween/Samhain?
Any ghosts pay a visit?

Well today/tonight I wanted to post about a topic that came up in my advanced psychic development class. We were assigned it for homework last week, and I wanted to share with you all both the exercise and the results. :))

So, the exercise itself has to do with just relaxing and allowing yourself to use your precognitive abilities.

For those of you who don't know what precognition is, it is the ability to know the future. Also known as future sight or second sight, precognition is the psychic sense of gaining information that one has no way of gaining or deducing by any "natural" means. Pre meaning before, and cognitio being the latin word for acquiring knowledge, precognition is a very useful ability, as I'm sure you can imagine. And, the more you use it, the more frequently it occurs.

So, the exercise is pretty simple. Mainly, you just set your intention to receive precognitive information about the next few minutes. So, like sitting in class, or at work, or just walking around a store or the mall or something. Heck, even playing around on the internet or on facebook. Just close your eyes for a moment and say to yourself "I would like to receive psychic information about the next few minutes." And make sure that you're open to it. If you don't think you will receive anything, very simply put, you won't. Be open to anything that comes in, and make note of any information you receive. I'll explain what happens, that way you'll have an outline of the basic experience.

I have two to list. These were two of my experiences with this exercise.

The first I did while driving, which I don't advise. I didn't close my eyes, but I meditate enough to be able to kind of put myself on autopilot for a few moments while I go within. (what we call "going within" is when you pull your focus to inside of yourself)
So, I make this basic trip every now and then, and have been for about four years. Its a two and a half hours, and right on the two hour mark there is a gas station in a town, Louisville. So, I stop to get gas at the gas station every trip. Anyway, so I know Louisville is coming up, and the night before we were assigned the precognitive homework,, so I figure I'll give it a shot. This experience was very directed, which I don't advise for your first time because if you don't practice your psychic abilities often, it may not work well and you'll be discouraged and won't want to try it again. I much advise an experience like the next one. Anyway, so I know I'll be getting gas soon, so I ask "What gas pump will I get gas at?" I instantly get the number 6. Well, I figure I'll cheat and pull in there on purpose, then I pretty much put it out of my mind. I thought I remembered relatively where pump 6 is, so when I turn in, I try to park at it. Well, there was someone pulling in on the other side, and I went ahead and let them go and I looked for another open pump. I didn't look at any numbers or anything because I had pretty much forgotten about it by then. Anyway, there was only one pump available, at the opposite end of the parking lot, so I pull in there, get out, and start to head inside to prepay. I remember that I need to know what pump I'm at, and I look up to see a big number 6 on my pump!!! I giggled to myself, "Of course!" and walked inside to pay for my gas.

The next experience I had was even more amazing. I work at a hotel, and I fold receipts for the guests who are due to check out that day. Well, this morning I was folding receipts and when I finished, I had a few minutes to waste until it was time to put them out, so I figured I'd give my precognitive abilities a second shot. I asked for information about what was going to happen in the next few minutes. I got the number 224. So, I went through the receipts and, sure enough, room 224 was checking out today. So, I pulled out the receipt and was going to hold it and try to receive more information, but before I got the chance, a woman stepped out of the elevator and walked towards me. I put the receipt down beside my computer and asked her if I could help her. She said she was checking out, and I asked what room number. "I was in 224," she said. My jaw dropped. I smiled and said "I knew you were coming." (lol that didn't sound creepy at all. haha) She laughed, and I handed her the receipt, then she looked at me and noticed that her receipt was the only one that wasn't in the pile to my right. "You did know, didn't you?!" she asked. We both laughed, and she hightailed it out of the hotel. haha It was pretty frickin awesome! :D

So, yeah! Those were my experiences! Hope you enjoyed, and feel free to comment with your own experiences!!! :D

Lots of love and light!

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