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I'll talk your cyber head off, and then we can have a nice long chat about the dying art of egg painting! :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pretty Pictures!!!

Good Morning Life Charmers!!

How is everyone this morning? Or night. Or whatever it is when you happen to come across this. :)

I was searching for pictures that were appropriate for psychic development, and I found these lovely images that I would like to share with you all. I do not know the original sources, but if you google "Psychic Abilities," you will find these in the image results. :)

My favorite is the winged elf. :))

On a different topic, things are going well with my new guy friend. :)) We'll call him Fox. :D

We have lots in common and are both incredibly attracted to each other. It was really sweet, he asked me what kind of wedding I want when I get married, and our ideal weddings were complete opposites, but he said his version could be for the reception and mine the wedding. :)) I know, its corny that this made me happy, but it did.

We play the question game when we text and I was looking for more questions online because I've run out. Well, fair warning, the ones on the internet suck. A LOT. I'll have to make a new list. And make a post about it. :D

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a fabulous week!!!


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