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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Question Game!!!

Hey there Life Charmers! How's it goin?

Okay, so, as promised, I'm going to post a few questions that I think are good for the question game. Don't know what the question game is? Well, when you're texting a guy/girl you like and you want a way to flirt that isn't outright obvious, or you want to be slick with your sexual questions, you ask eachother random questions. You can either ask them a question, have them answer and move on or ask a question, have them answer, and respond with your answer and move on to the next question.

Anyway, so as I mentioned in a past post, I was looking for questions to ask when playing the question game and I found these awful questions that were useless, boring, or just flat out dirty!

Sooo, here are a few of my own questions.

Favorite color/food/tv show/article of clothing/etc.? (favorite anything is always a good question)


Last book you read?

Last meal you ate?

Favorite thing to do by yourself?

Best friend's name?

Longest relationship?

Ideal relationship?

What do you look for in a guy/girl?

First pet?

Biggest fear?

Who is your favorite family member?

Any siblings?

What's something you've never told anyone? (can be silly or serious)

Attribute that you're most proud of? (physical or non)

Thing you dislike the most about yourself?

What's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

Best memory?

Guilty pleasures?

Worst date ever?

Ideal date?

(Any best/worst is really useful, because it lets you know what they dislike/like.)

(For gays) When did you come out? Was your family supportive?

Annnnnddd that's all I can think of right now. Comment if you'd like more!! :D

Hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving!!!

Lots of love and light!


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