Welcome to my little corner of the internet!!

I'll talk your cyber head off, and then we can have a nice long chat about the dying art of egg painting! :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Monday

Happy Monday Life Charmers!!!

That's right, I changed your name. Muahahaha!!! .... O.O

Sooo, how is everyone? Did ya have a good weekend? I did. :))

I went on a daaaatte! *sings badly*

Speaking of my singing...Its awful. Like, so awful its epic. People would pay to hear me sing, just so that they had proof that singing could be that bad. LOL

Anywayyyyz, back to my weekend. :)

For the first time since I started my job in January, I had Friday and Saturday night off. So, of course, I did what any college student who never has time to study does. I went to the movies! hahaha *poke* you silly, thought I was gonna say study. tehe

Friday night I had a date. :) I was excited. Its been almost three months since I broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years, and there's a guy I've been talking to for a while that I was like, ya know what, I'm free friday, we should go out. And we did. :))

First we went to PF Chang's. That was good. I got the honey battered chicken. I probably sounded like a little kid when I unwrapped my silverwear and was like "OMG, CHOPSTICKS!!" lol. Oh well, didn't scare him away though. :)) Theeennnn, we took his car (well, his mom's car because he likes to drive it rather than his own) and we went to the movies. We saw the new movie Cloud Atlas. It was very good. Very interesting, engaging, and presents many enlightening ideas. Great movie for food for thought. You should watch it. And eat a cookie, because you watched a good movie. Then reward yourself with another cookie. :D (Remember though, sharing is caring. :D)

Theeeennnn, we went to his aunt's house, and I was like OMG this woman is rich. haha Cuz she is. We had to let her dogs out, then we went to his house to let his dog out. He has a BEAUTIFUL English Golden Retriever. So pretty. And fluffy. And big. :) And he thinks he's a lap dog. hahaha

His house also made me go "OHMAGEEZ". See, my family was not homeless poor, but we were moderately poor. My brother and I didn't go without,, but I can remember many nights when we were young that my mom went without so that we could eat. (Best mom ever, btw.) So, you'll understand when I was amazed at the house on the lake with the beautiful view and the two story gorgeous house, designed and built by his parents. *sigh* I loved it at night, because the moon was high in the sky, shining its silver light across the grass. It was gorgeous. Then, when I got up the next morning at nine, I went out on the patio and meditated for an hour. I was in heaven. :D

All night he was wanting to touch me and hold me and kiss me, but didn't know if he should. (I was "feeling" all night to check and make sure things were going well. Of course, they were. :D Oh the benefits of being a psychic.) But, I don't like to make the first move, so I decided to wait.

I was going to go back to my car, but I was too tired, so I slept over.
And no, no sex, I'm not trash, tyvm. :)

THEN the next day, my bestest friend and I went to the movies and saw Pitch Perfect. It. Was. Amazing. I love that movie! :D

That night my date from the night before and I decided I'd come over again. I washed clothes and we watched Magic Mike. LOVE the sexual attraction of the movie, but it sucked. I'm sorry, but it did. It was awful. Underdeveloped, badly directed, bad quality to emphasize the "reality" of it all, just an overall crappy movie.
The next morning we woke up and watched Prometheus. :) Then I went home. Bless his heart, he was sick this morning. Hope he gets better. :)

The best part about that night (last night, now night before last technically) was when I came in. I walked in the door and he said he had a surprise for me. So, I was like okay, and he covered my eyes. And when we rounded the corner....

These beautiful flowers were waiting for me. :D 

I was so touched. He thought it was corny, but I was incredibly humbled. No one has gotten me flowers before. It made me want to cry. :)) I know, I'm a sap, get over it.

The only thing I worry about is that he doesn't know I'm psychic. And, if he does, because we are FB friends, and thinks its weird, I don't know how to react. Like, I like him, and he is incredibly sweet. But, Idk. Not many people think much of me when I tell them I'm psychic, ya know? 

Anyway, so yeah, that was my weekend. :D
Hope yours went wonderfully!

Lots of love and light!

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